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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

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Colour Party

Colour Party

Six Queen's Scouts and/or King's Scouts have the honour of carrying the Scouts' Colours (flags) at the front of the Parade and in St George's Chapel. We're looking for Queen's Scouts and King's Scouts who'd like to carry out this prestigious role and act as a focal point for their fellow Queen's Scouts and King's Scouts in the Parade.

If you're a Scouts member who's achieved their Queen's Scout Award or King's Scout Award, you can apply. We just ask that you're aged 18-26 at the time of the event, or have paraded in the last event. 

There'll be training one weekend a month from December-March, which you'll need to commit to, as well as the Day of Celebration and Achievement in Spring. The full details of the training weekends are in the application form.

“It's hard to put such a unique experience into words. You'll never get a chance to do something like this again.” – Jemma, Colour Party Member

“The sense of pride you feel at the head of 450+ Scouts in such a historical setting and the sense of comradeship you feel with your 5 colleagues is second to none. The workload and effort required is high, the rewards are more than worth it and the memories are incredible. Scouts offers a number of life-changing experiences – I firmly believe that the Windsor Colour Party is one of them.” – Graham, Colour Party Member