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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing at Scouts. Read more

Discover what this means


Our National Scout Conference is taking place in Birmingham on 25 and 26 January 2025

A chance to reflect, refocus, renew

Summit25 will provide an opportunity for us all to come together to reflect on what we’ve achieved through our Skills for Life for strategy, as well as help us refocus and renew as we shape our next strategy, which will start in 2026.

What's on

There will be a mix of engaging and thought-provoking sessions to inspire and motivate us, as well as networking opportunities and useful workshops. Members of the UK Leadership Team, Trustee Board and Staff from UK and Nations Headquarters will be in attendance

What to think about

Every County/Area/Region (Scotland) has been allocated a delegate team size and we’re asking Lead Volunteers to start considering how many delegates they intend to bring to Summit25.

Event attendance is for those aged 18 and above. The Strategy Working Group is leading on consultation and engagement with the Movement. There will be opportunities before and after Summit25 for our members to feed in to the process. Specifically, the Programme Team are developing activities for young people to undertake, and the UK Youth Team are exploring further ways to ensure youth voice feeds into our strategy development during Spring 2025.

Building your delegation

Ideally 50% of your delegation should be between 18-30 years old, with a balance of genders, and be representative of the demographics of your County/Area/Region.

The following roles are expected to attend:

  • County/Area/Region (Scotland) Lead Volunteer
  • County/Area/Region (Scotland) Youth Lead
  • County/Area/Region (Scotland) Chair

Other roles recommended for your delegation (in priority order):

  • District Lead Volunteers (preferably those likely to be in post beyond 2025)
  • District Team Members
  • County/Area/Region (Scotland) Trustees
  • County/Area/Region (Scotland) Team Leaders
How much it costs

Delegate rate is a flat rate of £250 per person.

This includes:

  • Two nights accommodation at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole from Friday 24 – Sunday 26 January 2025.
  • Inclusive catering from Friday dinner through to Sunday lunch.
  • Participation in the full programme for the weekend.

Details on how to book will soon be shared.