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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Supported by HSBC UK

Money Skills

Money Skills

Money Skills badge

Learn how to be confident in decisions around money.

How to earn your badge:

  1. Show you know about foreign currency by explaining how a Scout from another country would exchange their money if they came to a camp in the UK.
  2. Show how you’d create a budget for a Scouts activity.

    Think about value for money, as well as how other values (such as supporting local businesses, making ethical choices, or protecting the environment) might affect your budget.

  3. Learn about the things that can influence different people’s spending decisions (from religious beliefs to adverts and peer pressure) and create a list of things that might influence your spending decisions.
  4. Talk with your group about how people from different cultures can gain, save, and give away money, and choose a way of gaining, saving, or giving away money that you’d like to try.
  5. Create a guide for how young people can recognise and protect themselves from online scams and fake, counterfeit money.

July 2024.

Requirements can be adapted to suit each young persons abilities. See our guidance on flexibility.

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