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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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The sky’s the limit

Time to take off to a local airfield, as we see flying machines in the fresh air and learn more about how they work.

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You’ll need

  • A4 paper
  • Pens or pencils
  • Sticky tack
  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Map of the local area
  • Device to access the internet

Before you begin

If no-one is working towards their badge, you could leave out any parts of the activity that aren’t required.

Run the activity

  1. Plan your airfield visit. Do some research into local airfields to get an idea of what there is to see and whether it’s worth visiting.

For instance, you could find out if the airfield can make provision for your group to be taken on a short flight. If so, look at the rules and guidance for flying here.

  1. Select an airfield that’s suitable and then contact them. Talk with staff at the airfield about why you’re visiting, what you’d like to see and learn about, how to get there, what you should bring, and whether the site is accessible for everyone. Give them plenty of notice of your visit and agree on a date and time suitable for everyone involved.
  2. Arrange for consent from parents/carers for everyone to go and consult the information about visiting airfields with your group.
  • Anyone working towards their Air Activities Staged Activity Badge should get involved with planning this trip. Set up three tables with chairs, a computer, local maps and writing materials in the meeting place for anyone doing this. Three adult leaders should also be there for support.
  • Split everyone into three groups. Explain that each table is a base. The first base, with the maps and computer, is for finding an airfield to visit in the local area and getting contact details for it. The second base, with the writing materials, is for drafting a template email to staff at the chosen airfield, explaining who wants to visit and why. The third base, also with writing materials, is for drafting a kit list and any other information needed for the trip, which could include remembering to bring a notepad, packed lunch, and comfortable shoes.
  • Each group should complete a base with support from an adult leader, then rotate to the next one, until all three groups have completed all three bases. Then, collect up all of the group’s work to use when planning the trip. An adult leader should always take responsibility for arranging the actual visit.


  1. Explain to everyone that they’ll need to prepare some questions to ask and things to find out while they’re at the airfield. Here are some to get you started:
  • What is the reason for civilian airport security?
  • What are the main threats in airport security, and how are they dealt with?
  • What are the different types of air traffic control services used at airfields and airports?
  • How are air control services different at a small local airfield than at a large international airport?


  1. Split into small groups and have each group think about a topic. Those working towards their Air Activities Staged Activity Badge should include security, safety, and air traffic control in their thinking. Everyone could also think about how aircraft are stored, cleaned and maintained, how pilots and their credentials are checked, and how aircraft controls are monitored and tested. Groups should come up with two or three ideas for questions or facts to check for their topic and note these down.
  2. Groups should pass their topic and ideas to the next group along, then think about the new topic they’ve just received. Add any new ideas to the topic and pass it along again. Continue until all of the groups have seen all of the topics.
  3. With sticky tack, stick up the topics for everyone to see. Discuss whether any changes need to be made to any questions, or whether questions fit a different topic better. With an adult leader’s support, review everyone’s work and come up with a list of questions everyone is happy with.
  1. Run your trip. Meet at the agreed upon time at the agreed upon place. At the airfield, split into small groups. Each will need writing materials and everything specified on the kit list you made earlier.
  2. Each group should have a selection of questions to ask or things to find out during the trip. Encourage everyone to scribble down the information they pick up as you’re shown around the airfield.
  3.  When your tour of the site has been completed, gather together somewhere appropriate for everyone to feed back what they’ve learned to the rest of the group.


After the visit, possibly at the next session, take some time to share individual experiences from the airfield visit. Standing or sitting in two equal lines facing each other, set a timer for four minutes and answer a couple of the questions below, or come up with similar ones. When the four minutes are up, one of the lines moves one place to the right, so they're facing a new person and are ready for another four minutes to share their experiences. Repeat this several times, so everyone has the chance to share with different people.

Here are some questions to consider, but feel free to use your own:

  • What was your highlight from the visit?
  • How much did you learn from the visit?
  • What would you do differently if you visited another airfield?
  • What fun fact did you learn from the visit?


All activities must be safely managed. You must complete a thorough risk assessment and take appropriate steps to reduce risk. Use the safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. Always get approval for the activity, and have suitable supervision and an InTouch process.


This activity has specific rules and systems to make sure it’s managed safely. Take a look at adventure activities for more guidance. 

Online safety

Supervise young people when they’re online and give them advice about staying safe. Take a look at our online safety or bullying guidance. The NSPCC offers more advice and guidance, too. If you want to know more about specific social networks and games, Childnet has information and safety tips for apps. You can also report anything that’s worried you online to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection CommandAs always, if you’ve got concerns about a young person’s welfare, including their online experiences, follow the Yellow Card to make a report.

  • Make sure that any site you visit is accessible for everyone in your group, and make the staff aware of any accessibility needs you have.
  • Groups can share ideas for questions about topics with each other freely, rather than owning them, if this is how your group prefers to investigate topics.

All Scout activities should be inclusive and accessible.

Using the new knowledge acquired from the airfield visit, create a mini airfield in the meeting place to share with a younger group to give them an idea of what it was like.

Before arranging anything, discuss with the group what kind of airfield they’d like to visit, or if they know of any airfields nearby that you could contact.