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Build your own Avengers

Try this fun strategy game where Scouts will use superhero profiles to plan a rescue mission.

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You’ll need

  • Something to mark lines (for example, chalk, masking tape, or rope)
  • Copies of the Avengers cards
Build Your Own Avengers Cards
PDF – 100.5KB

Before you begin 

  • Use the safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. There's also more guidance to help you carry out your risk assessment, including examples.   
  • Make sure all young people and adults involved in the activity know how to take part safely. 
  • Make sure you’ll have enough adult helpers. You may need some parents and carers to help. 

Planning and setting up this activity 

  • Print one copy of the cards per team.
  • Mark a starting line at one end of the space and an end line at the other end of the space, such as with chalk, cones or masking tape.
  • Set out around 10 stepping stones, with one set per team, between the start and end line. Make sure that everyone will be able to step between them. You can also use more stepping stones as needed. 
  • You may wish to show a clip in this activity. You can find a variety of clips that can be shown without licences on the Marvel HQ YouTube page. Use our movie licensing guidance to find out more and ask parent and carer permission before watching any clips. 
Marvel logoAvengers group

Running this activity 

  1. Gather everyone together and ask them what they know about Marvel Studio's the Avengers. You could ask who do they relate most too? Which one inspires them the most? Who would they most want to meet? 
  2. Ask everyone what qualities superheroes might need and wait for someone to say teamwork.
  3. Explain that groups of superheroes, such as the Avengers, need to bring their skills together and work together a team. 
  4. Tell everyone that they’ve been set a mission and need to help the Avengers cross the stepping stones to defeat Thanos. They’ll need to work as a team and use the going to use the skills of the Avengers. You may want to use something to represent Thanos at the end zone. 
  5. Explain that they’ll be given superhero cards, which rank the superheroes skills by number across different categories, which are Agility, Strength, Flight, Technology, Combat, Speed, Magic, Durability and Mind Control.
  6. The person leading the game will then read out a scenario. You should only reveal the category once everyone has chosen their card. They’ll need to think about which category it may be.
  7. Each team will choose a superhero to best help them in the scenario. After a few minutes, everyone needs to select their superhero. 
  8. Once the card has been selected, the person leading the game will then read out the category if needed. The teams will then be asked to reveal their chosen superhero and someone from the team can read out their superhero’s number for that category. 
  9. You could discuss each team’s choices and why they chose that superhero.
  10. The team who has the highest number can then step forward on the stepping stones towards Thanos waiting at the other end. 
  11. The first team across all the stepping stones defeats Thanos and is the winner.
  12. If any teams have the same number, they can do ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ to see who wins and the winning team can step forward.  


  • An enchanted artefact is causing chaos and needs to be neutralised
  • A powerful enemy is using a mystical force field that needs to be breached
  • An alien invasion is happening, and portals need to be closed 


  • A building’s wall needs to be punched through to rescue the people inside
  • A piece of machinery is about to collapse and needs to be lifted to save lives
  • A collapsed bridge is blocking a crucial escape route and must be moved 


  • An alien missile is launched, and it must be intercepted before it hits a city
  • A natural disaster is occurring, and people need to be rescued from high places
  • A crucial object has been thrown into the sky, and it must be caught 


  • A giant robot army is advancing, and their control system needs to be hacked
  • A powerful weapon is malfunctioning and needs to be neutralised
  • A high-tech security system is preventing access to a vital location 


  • A powerful enemy is wreaking havoc and needs to be engaged in battle
  • A skilled opponent is using a variety of weapons in a fast-paced duel
  • Trained assassins are attacking, and someone needs to protect a high-value target 


  • A villain has set off multiple traps in different parts of the city, and someone must quickly stop each one before they detonate
  • An enemy is escaping with critical information and needs to be caught
  • Someone needs to cross a collapsing bridge to rescue someone 


  • A high-speed chase is underway, and quick reflexes are needed to avoid hazards
  • A fast pursuit through traffic, where the hero must leap over cars, jump and slide under trucks
  • A rooftop battle where someone must leap between buildings and fight off enemies at the same time 


  • A hero must withstand an intense energy blast from a villain while protecting civilians
  • There's a prolonged battle with relentless enemies attacking
  • A city is being hit by lots of meteors, and a hero needs to shield the area 


  • An enemy is reading someone’s mind to extract sensitive information and needs to be blocked
  • An enemy controls people and makes them see the hero as a villain, so people attack the hero
  • A hero manipulates a security guard to gain access to a high-security building 

©2024 MARVEL 


This activity was all about understanding the importance of using different people’s strengths and skills to build a fantastic team, just like the Avengers. They all bring fantastic qualities and use them strategically to help defend Earth and the wider universe. In this activity, you had to work together as a team, problem solve and use critical thinking How did you decide on each superhero? Why did you choose each superhero?

Now, think about your own skills and strengths. What qualities do you have? How do these qualities help you in life? And how do they help you to manage difficult or tough scenarios, just like the Avengers? Is there any quality you want to have or skill you’d like to work on that the Avengers have? How could you achieve this? 


All activities must be safely managed. You must complete a thorough risk assessment and take appropriate steps to reduce risk. Use the safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. Always get approval for the activity, and have suitable supervision and an InTouch process.

Active games

The game area should be free of hazards. Explain the rules of the game clearly and have a clear way to communicate that the game must stop when needed. Take a look at our guidance on running active games safely.

  • To make this activity easier, you could choose to reveal the category when you read out the scenario.
  • To make it harder, you could only allow each card to be used once, so it can’t be used again and must be put to one side. You could also have only one or two copies of the card, then divide them between teams, so not everyone has the same cards or superheroes. 

Make it accessible

All Scout activities should be inclusive and accessible.

If you enjoyed this activity, why not try some other Marvel Studio's inspired activities!

Young people could play this game again and create their own cards for each superhero or think of their own scenarios to use.