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Volunteering at Scouts is changing to help us reach more young people

Volunteering is changing to help us reach more young people

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Apple, orange, or banana?

Get everyone running around with this fruity memory game.

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You’ll need

  • Chairs

Play apple, orange, or banana?

  1. Everyone should get a chair and place it in a circle, facing outwards. Everyone should sit on their chair.
  2. The person leading the game should give each person the name of a fruit (apple, orange, or banana).
  1. The person leading the game should tell everyone which way to run around the circle.
  1. When everyone is ready to start, the person leading the game should call out the name of one of the fruits.
  2. Everyone who was given that fruit should stand up, run around the outside of the chairs, and get back to their own seat.
  1. When the person leading the game says ‘fruit salad’, everyone should get up, run around the circle, and sit back in their own seat.
  2. The last person to sit down in each round could be out, or the person leading the activity could celebrate the first person to sit down each time.


This game encouraged everyone to be more active when running around the circle and it encouraged them to stick at it to see who could get back to their seat first.

After playing the game, ask everyone to think about:

  • Was it difficult to remember the name of their fruit?
  • Was it difficult to remember which seat they were sitting in?


All activities must be safely managed. You must complete a thorough risk assessment and take appropriate steps to reduce risk. Use the safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. Always get approval for the activity, and have suitable supervision and an InTouch process.

Active games

The game area should be free of hazards. Explain the rules of the game clearly and have a clear way to communicate that the game must stop when needed. Take a look at our guidance on running active games safely.

Contact games and activities

Make sure everyone understands what contact is acceptable, and monitor contact throughout the activity.

  • Some people may struggle to remember the name of the fruit they were given, so adults should be on hand to remind them when it’s their turn to run.
  • You could make it more difficult by calling out two fruit names at once.
  • If you’ve got plenty of players, you could introduce more fruits. 

Choose a way of moving around the circle that works for everyone. This game doesn’t have to be competitive. 

All Scout activities should be inclusive and accessible.

Encourage everyone to play the game at home – they could even race the people they live with to find the different pieces of fruit around their home.

Encourage everyone to take part. If anyone doesn’t want to play, they could help by choosing the names of the fruit to be called out.