Investors in People
- Welcome from the Chair
- Different thinking for a different world
- Safety first
- Our purpose and method
- Vision and strategic objectives
- Skills for Life: Our plan to prepare better futures 2018–2025
- Growth
- Inclusivity
- Youth Shaped
- Community Impact
- Three pillars of work
- Programme
- People
- Perception
- Theory of Change
- Theory of Change (diagram)
- The impact of Scouts on young people
- Our finances
- Trustees’ responsibilities
- Independent Auditor’s Report to the Trustees of The Scout Association
- Consolidated statement of financial activities
- Balance sheet
- Statements of cash flows
- Our members
- How we operate
- Governance structure and Board membership – 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
- Our advisers
- Our thanks
- Investors in People
Investors in People
Last year, we retained our Investors in People accreditation and achieved the prestigious Gold standard. The assessor highlighted that people really live by the organisation’s values and understand (and achieve) our strategy. Our accreditation lasts for three years: we’re working on how we set objectives and nurture ideas as we aim for Platinum, the highest level.
The Scout Association
Charity numbers:
306101 (England and Wales)
SCO38437 (Scotland)
Registered address:
Gilwell Park
London E4 7QW
Contact us: