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Water based activities

The National Directory of Waters is available online.

9.13.1. All water activities

All water activities, except non-motorised and SCUBA on class C waters, delivered as Scout-led activity falls within the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme, see rule 9.7. Members taking part in any water activity, i.e. those which take place on or in the water, must be able to demonstrate to a suitable person their ability to swim 50 metres in clothing and equipment appropriate to the activity (where a buoyancy aid or life jacket is worn for the activity this may be used for the demonstration) and keep afloat for five minutes. Anyone unable to meet these requirements is classified as a non-swimmer and must follow Rule A non-swimmer may take part in water activities, at the discretion of the person in charge, only if certain precautions are taken: 

  1. any non-swimmer must wear a life jacket or buoyancy aid of approved design and be in the charge of an adult. This does not apply for swimming, paddling or activities near water
  2. there must be no more than one non-swimmer in any craft, unless a one-to-one ratio is maintained i.e. one competent adult to one non-swimmer
  3. in the case of single-handed craft this should only be on C or B1 Waters (see Rule 9.13.4) with supervision on a one-to-one basis i.e. one competent adult to one non-swimmer.
  4. where non-swimmers are taking part in swimming activities (as defined in Rule 9.13.10), they must be under the direct supervision of an adult in the water. This must not exceed two non-swimmers to one adult. The above conditions do not apply when below decks, protected in larger vessels or when using recognised forms of public transport.

9.13.2. Life jackets and buoyancy aids All members taking part in water activities, excluding scuba diving, snorkelling, surfing, swimming and paddling (as defined in rule 9.13.9) must wear an EC approved buoyancy aid or lifejacket appropriate to the activity, weather conditions, size of the participant. This does not apply when below decks. Further guidance may be found in FS120603 Water Safety (incorporating Lifejackets and Buoyancy Aids). The person in charge of any water activity must ensure that the lifejackets and buoyancy aids being used are fit for purpose and suitable for the activity on each occasion that it is used.

9.13.3. Classification of waters All waters used for scouting activities must be classified as C, B1, B2, B3 or A.

class C

Safe inland waters which are less than 100m wide where flow causes little effect (including swimming pools).

class B1

Sheltered inland waters and other sheltered waters where currents and tides create no real danger.

class B2

The sea up to one mile from the shore but excluding more dangerous waters close inshore; more sheltered parts of estuaries; large inland lakes and lochs; inland waters British Canoeing Grade 2.

class B3

The sea up to three miles from the shore but excluding more dangerous waters close inshore; busy commercial ports, exposed parts of estuaries; inland waters British Canoeing Grade 3.

class A

Open sea more than three miles from the shore, and other dangerous waters close inshore; inland waters British Canoeing Grade 4 and above.

The National Directory of Waters is available online at

9.13.4. Activities on class C waters All water activities on class C waters (excluding swimming – see Rules 9.13.8-9.13.10, SCUBA and motorised activities) must be approved by the relevant Commissioner and delivered to the standards contained in Class C Waters (FS120623).

9.13.5. Boats All boats owned by or on long term loan to the movement must have a unique identifier clearly marked on the craft. When members take part in scouting activities on waters controlled by the Canal and River Trust the members or group must be identifiable as part of The Scout Association to gain access to the waters within the TSA bulk license agreement. All boats must have adequate marine insurance cover. Third party Public Liability cover is a minimum requirement.

Note: Craft which are foot or hand propelled, sailing craft or other craft not exceeding 5m in length are automatically covered for Public Liability under The Scout Association’s main policy. Any other craft over 5m in length or motorised vessels etc, or those wishing to insure against damage to the Scout boat will require additional marine cover. Further guidance is available from Unity. The person in charge of any water activity must ensure that the craft and associated equipment are fit for purpose and suitable for the activity on each occasion that it is used.

9.13.6. Charter vessels When vessels are hired or chartered, the activity rules of the The Scout Association apply. Before entering into a hire agreement which includes an indemnity clause i.e., where it is assumed that the hirer will be responsible for damage, injury or loss, the agreement must be referred to Unity ( Where the vessel is chartered to be under the command of professional staff, the rules relating to permits do not apply. When taking members as passengers on hired sailing or powered craft, the leader responsible must:

  1. have reasonable grounds to believe the person in charge of the craft, who must be either the owner or authorised by the owner, has the necessary knowledge, skill and experience
  2. ensure that the party understands the discipline necessary for safety including any local regulations or bye laws which may apply.

9.13.7. Activities near the water When activities take place near the water the guidance contained within the CCPR Group Safety at Water Margins document should be followed.

9.13.8. Paddling When in water that is, for the individual taking part, below waist height (or knee height in moving water) when standing, leaders must:

  1. conduct a risk assessment of the activity
  2. provide appropriate individual(s) as safety cover and equipment as identified by the risk assessment
  3. ensure any safety cover is in an appropriate position to provide effective cover
  4. ensure the participants are clearly visible above the water level at all times

9.13.9. Swimming ALL swimming

When in water that is, for the individual taking part, above waist height (or knee height in moving water) when standing, leaders must follow the rules on swimming except where:

  1. taking part in scuba diving or snorkelling
  2. it is a river crossing during hillwalking under the leadership of someone holding a hillwalking permit
  3. it is underground during caving or mine exploration under the leadership of someone holding a caving or mine exploration permit When members of the movement take part in swimming in Class C waters including swimming pools:

  1. there must be one responsible person in overall control who must meet the requirements of any written operating procedures
  2. this person must carry out a risk assessment for the location and activity
  3. If there are written operating procedures, this person must meet their requirements If there are no written operating procedures, this person must ensure that there are enough people to provide the safety cover identified in the risk assessment and that the safety cover meets the requirements in Swimming (FS120620). When members take part in swimming in open waters of Class B1 or higher, there must be one responsible person in overall control who must:

  1. meet the requirements of any written operating procedure
  2. carry out a risk assessment for the location and activity
  3. follow the direction of the lifeguard on duty
  4. ensure appropriate safety cover is present where no attendant lifeguard is provided.

The safety cover provided when there is no attendant lifeguard must conform to one of these two conditions:

  1. Hold the relevant elements of the RLSS National Water Safety Management Programme (NWSMP) see Swimming (FS120620), (or an equivalent or higher qualification), and work within the remit of their award:
    • Sea (beaches etc): NWSMP level 1, level 2 (beach) and level 3.
    • Flat inland water (lakes, lochs etc): NWSMP level 1, level 2 (flat water) and level 3
    • Moving inland water (rivers etc): NWSMP level 1, level 2 (river) and level 3
  2. Hold a water activity permit (leadership or supervisory), operate within the remit of their permit (class of waters, group size etc) and meet the requirements for providing safety cover for swimming activities within Swimming (FS120620).

9.13.10. Scout owned swimming facilities Management Committees of Scout property with a swimming pool must operate the facility in accordance with the HSE guidance contained within Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools (HSG179).